Zedra Solutions Limited Database Image

Zedra was founded in 1999, as Zedra Solutions Ltd to provide IT consultancy services in the niche area of database design and deployment. Over the years we have developed a large number of database solutions for businesses from a number of sectors.

Zedra's offices are in Hampshire, near Alresford, with clients mainly based in the south east of England. Some of our biggest clients have been using our services and relying on our support for over 20 years.

Our Mission
To work closely with our customers using a pragmatic and cost effective approach which rapidly solves short term problems and promotes achievable, long term, business enhancing solutions.
Our Approach
To use the very, highest calibre individuals who have the experience to understand your problems and suggest solutions that will improve your business.

About Zedra Solutions Support

Providing Long term cost effective And responsive support for the systems we develop Is a defining feature of Zedra's customer relationship. Once a system is installed we will put in place a support contract which gives clients direct access to Zedra staff with in-depth knowledge of the system supported.

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