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Zedra Solutions Support

Providing long term cost effective and responsive support for the systems we develop is a defining feature of Zedra"s customer relationship. Once a system is installed we will put in place a support contract which gives clients direct access to Zedra staff with in-depth knowledge of the system supported.

Logging and management of enhancements and issues is handled by the SIR system. The SIR system is an online customer specific database, integrated with your application, to allow users to raise and monitor the progress of questions, enhancements and bugs.

Support can cover the following:

  • "How To" questions
  • Enhancement queries
  • System errors
  • Performance issues
  • Hardware failures
" The timely and comprehensive support offered by Zedra allows us to be confident of resolving any issues as required to maintain our 24 hour service. "
David Tuckett, Director, Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing.

" Zedra provide a very high level of support with experts available to solve 90% of
most queries over the phone.
Paul Sykes, NSSLGlobal Ltd

Zedra Solutions Ltd support

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