For PEP (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing), Zedra have taken the PaDS system and expanded it to allow online orders to be taken with credit card authorisation via Cybersource. The system also has a web service to do real time checking of users subscription to PEP Web.
This development took an existing client developed Microsoft Access database and transformed it into an intranet/browser based SQL Server database system which transformed the clients abiity to run their business.
This database system, ACTIVE, for Control Energy Costs, allows business data to be entered in a reliable and consistent form, which is then the basis for invoices which are created and automatically posted to Sage Line 50.
PaDS is a database system, developed for the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, which allows many companies to create and maintain products which can then be ordered against a common set of customers. The system runs as a secure web application available over the Internet and therefore allows online ordering and credit card authorisation. It uses ASP pages over an SQL Server database.